Homer (1102 BC - ?)

Homer, according to ancient Greeks, may have wrote both The Iliad and The Odyssey, two epic poems. Plato, in a metaphorical sense, once claimed that Homer taught Greece. The Iliad The Iliad is set during a ten year conflict called the Trojan Wars. The wars were between the city of Troy and a coalition of Greek states. The epic poem focuses on King Agamemnon and Achilles during the last year of the war. Hellen was the wife of a prince of Sparta. A prince stole Helen and took her to Troy. Helen had "a face that launched a thousand ships," each ship holding one hundred Greek warriors. The Odyssey The Odyssey concerns itself with Odysseus' journey home after the end of the Trojan Wars. Odysseus was King of Ithaca, a Mediterranean island found in the Adriatic Sea.
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